Day 4 was a heck of a day. We started the day pedaling down a deshevled, broken one lane road that ensured all surfaces of our caravan were covered with a thick grime. That, however, wore off quickly as we were treated to smooth sailing on Vietnam's version of the autobaun--the Ho Chi Minh Highway. It was smooth sailing in to the town of Quan Lao. Upon arrival we were invited to the "President's" house. I assume this was the chairman of the local peoples commmittee. We didn't get to meet the "president" but he did let us stay in his beutiful guest house. Day four was much less eventfull. We took a senic stroll down Highway 45 to the metropolis, or it seemed to us after being in villages for the last few days, of Thanh Hoa. There we turned south on Highway one--the busiest stretch of pavment in Vietnam. We cruised south with the trucks and buses at astonding speed until we reached our current destination of Tinh Gia. We're staying on the beach here saving our energy for tomorrows 99k day.

Pitstop on a bridge- refuelling! (taken by Sam who likes to think hes a bit artsy...)

And a bit of hotel action- us girls were so hungry we resorted to making peanut butter balls covered in oatmeal off paper on the floor. the bags of oatmeal contained ALOT of sugar. as you can see. (jacinta)
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