We arrived at the bus station at 2:45 a.m. and took the first room offered to us in a modest hotel above the station. Both already fighting illness and the rough ride, we slept ’til late morning. The sky promised nothing but gray. We managed a 30 kilometer ride, deterred by our colds and the remnants of the nearby typhoon.
A fusillade of wind and rain pummeled our hotel windows throughout the night. The ceaseless barrage seemed to be getting closer. We were convinced World War III had reached Dalat.Nevertheless, we set out for battle against the treacherous weather and hills late morning.Our plan of attack: a 60 kilometer (about 35 miles) ride to Liem Nghia of which the first 30k were almost entirely downhill. So we knew exactly what we had to look forward to coming back. The first 8k were straight downhill. The roads were slick so we were especially cautious. All the braking made my hands cramp up, convincing me of the inevitability of developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome during the trip.It was quite literally refreshing to breath the highland air, away from the noxious exhaust-filled stank of Saigon. The new, lush and verdant surroundings helped pass the time and provided a welcome break from the roadside monotony of our typical Saigon training ride. We stopped for a couple shots of coffee and tea at a cafe before turning around. Below is the feathered hodgepodge congregating around the cafe. Probably the night’s dinner.
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