Monday, 20 April 2020

H2H Around the World - Day 19

Hola South America! Yesterday we went from Buenos Aires to Salta, Argentina. Today we head for La Paz, Bolivia! Thank you all for the exercise and donations - providing education, fighting human trafficking and responding to Covid-19 here in Vietnam. Ride on! 👍
Riders: 384 / Exercise: 25882km / Donations: $6778
Total: Hanoi > London > Cape Town > Salta = 32660km 🌏

Why We Ride - Saigon Children
Saigon Children's Charity has been removing barriers to education since 1992 and H2H's lead charity partner since 2012. This video link shows the impact your donations make in communities across Vietnam. Thank you Saigon Children - H2H is proud to ride for you!
Watch here (with sound!):

Here's our progress map for today:

Thank you to all our exercisers / donors, including these kind folks:

Travel with us through South America!
H2H Around the World virtual ride: 20 minutes of exercise / $20 USD donation = 20km on our journey!
1. Donate your home exercise minutes here:
2. Donate to our charity partners here:
3. Send us your exercise videos / photos here:
- Read our blog story:

Very best wishes to everyone who's joining us on our journey - it means a lot!
H2H 2020

H2H Ride for Vietnam provides education and fights human trafficking through our charity partners.
#H2Haroundtheworld #thanksvietnam #stayhome #Saigonchildren#bluedragonvietnam #ILACommunityNetwork #H2Hrideforvietnam

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