Howdy, Eli here, one of the new 2017 riders. Preparations are well under way for this year's ride, and that includes fundraising efforts.
A few weeks ago, on January 19th, we held another quiz night at Game On Bar. The house was packed with 22 total teams showing up! Hosted by yours truly, the quiz ran smoothly thanks to help from current and former riders.
That's me, getting the crowd pumped! |
We had categories ranging from current events, to sex, drugs, rock & roll. My personal favorite round was the math round. I'd like to think that learning a football/soccer ball is a truncated icosahedron will forever change the course of contestants' lives.
The Pope made a guest appearance during the Current Events round. |
We had a generous bevy of prizes from Game On, Pasteur Street Brewing, and TNT BBQ. Our sponsors made it possible to hold several contests concurrently with the quiz. We had a "Stuff the Envelope" game where teams competed to see who could donate the most money. We also had a Game of Thrones themed bonus round where teams tried to remember all the houses and house words from the dozens of houses mentioned in the books and television show.
Contestants try to determine which movie monster is pictured here (Gwoemul, from The Host) |
At the end of the night as the merry crowd headed home we counted up our cash. This year we raised
26.2 million VND, or about
$1150! It's a great step towards our goal, and with more fundraisers lined up we look forward to watching the numbers rise. Of course, you can always donate RIGHT NOW by visiting our
Just Giving page.
Once again we want to thank our generous sponsors:
Game On Bar,
TNT BBQ, and
Pasteur Street Brewing. Without their kindness we'd never have pulled the evening off. I'd also like to personally thank Tzachi, Chris, Zak, Deema, Grace and all the other riders and supporters who ran around like crazy keeping things organized while I stood at the podium.
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