Pleiku - Kon Tum (75km)
A challenging and action-packed day covering 75km with 1100 metres elevation and a lot of off-road in true Mr Biker style (which we love!). The highlight was cycling to a volcano crater near to Pleiku, apparently last active 65,000 years ago 😄
Super team spirit, stunning scenery and lots of waves and high fives wherever we go. Emma is proving to be our water baby and is adept at finding rivers/lakes/waterfalls to cool off (and clean off) whenever she gets the chance!
Great to be back in Kon Tum tonight, a popular overnight stop on the usual H2H route!
- Don't miss the cool video below...maybe some H2H riders of the future?
Tomorrow, another full day as we head east and upwards to the village of Mang Den. Bring on those hills!
Amazing to see donations and messages from friends around the world. Every $ raised goes to our 4 charity partners and the children and families they support across Vietnam. Thank you 💖

Loved the video! Stunning views, and lots of hard work, smiles and fun. Well done everyone!